Actions represent user interactions with the application or what to do after triggering an event. They can be added to almost any layer to make it clickable and are then triggered by the user's touch. The actions added to a layer are executed one after the other in the order in which they were added.
You can also specify how the app handles the result of another action. To this end, some actions can define an onSuccess
and onError
field in which an event can be named that is triggered after the action is completed. Depending on the action (e.g. the action request), the result data is added to the event as an event parameter.
The type
field of an action defines the type of the action and can also be referred to as its "name". The parameters of the action are entered in the params
field of the JSON object. While most actions require parameters in order to be configured correctly, this is not the case for some.
Example configuration of a showMessage
"actions": [
"type": "showMessage",
"params": {
"text": "This will be displayed as a toast."
Index of all action typesโ
Below is a complete list of all actions:
๐๏ธ addCalendar
Adds an event to the system calendar.
๐๏ธ addContact
Adds a contact to the user's contact book.
๐๏ธ addDataSource
The addDataSource action enables you to add a new database (or just its source) to you application. This is used often if the desired source is not available at a previous point in you configuration or certain parts of the source are depending on not yet available data, i.e. before the user is logged in or got its credentials.
๐๏ธ addGeofences
Adds a geofence too look for.
๐๏ธ alert
Triggers an alert on the device, which may take the form of vibration, sound or a combination of both.
๐๏ธ askUser
Shows a modal pop up with buttons. The list of buttons and events are referencing each other, so the button on index n will trigger the event on the same index.
๐๏ธ backInHistory
Navigating back the view stack.
๐๏ธ beginNFCReading
Starts listening to NFC tags.
๐๏ธ calibrateAccelerometer
Calibrates the accelerometer (acceleration sensor).
๐๏ธ call
Calls the indicated number.
๐๏ธ cancelTimeout
Terminates a previously set timeout.
๐๏ธ checkBiometry
Checks the user's biometric authentification.
๐๏ธ checkForInactivity
Fires an event after a specified period of inactivity.
๐๏ธ cleanGeofences
Cleans all existing geofences.
๐๏ธ clearCache
Clears the cache of the app.
๐๏ธ clearCustomStart
Resets the start configuration for the app. The app will use the default configuration during the next launch.
๐๏ธ clearDatabase
Resets the database.
๐๏ธ clearFormValue
Deletes a value from a form (View data of specified form).
๐๏ธ clearVariable
Clears a global variable.
๐๏ธ closePopUp
Closes the currently open pop-up.
๐๏ธ closeView
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ closeWebSocket
Closes a WebSocket.
๐๏ธ copyToClipboard
Copies text to the clipboard.
๐๏ธ decodeJWT
Decodes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
๐๏ธ decryptSettingsWithBiometry
Decrypts settings using the user's biometric data.
๐๏ธ deleteAllLocalImages
Deletes all locally saved images.
๐๏ธ deleteLocalImage
Deletes a locally saved image.
๐๏ธ deleteUserSetting
Deletes a user setting.
๐๏ธ disableCrashlytics
Disables Crashlytics and saves this decision.
๐๏ธ disableTracking
Turns off tracking functionality. Matomo is used as the tracking framework.
๐๏ธ downloadFile
Downloads a file to the device's local storage.
๐๏ธ downloadImageToGallery
Downloads an image to the device's local storage.
๐๏ธ enableCrashlytics
Enables Crashlytics and saves this decision.
๐๏ธ enableTracking
Turns on tracking functionality. Matomo is used as the tracking framework.
๐๏ธ encryptSettingsWithBiometry
Encrypts settings using the user's biometric data.
๐๏ธ executePushPayload
Executes a push notification payload by using it's ID.
๐๏ธ executeQuerySQL
Executes an SQL query in the local database and makes the queried fields available in the parameters of the onSuccess action.
๐๏ธ executeSQL
Executes an SQL command in the local database.
๐๏ธ fireEvent
Fires the specified event.
๐๏ธ forEach
A for each expression.
๐๏ธ getLocation
Gets the current location or address by reverse geocoding if necessary.
๐๏ธ hideLoadingOverlay
Hides the loading overlay.
๐๏ธ if
An if expression.
๐๏ธ insertFromParams
Inserts the given event Parameters into the SQLite database.
๐๏ธ insertFromRequest
Inserts the response data into the SQLite database.
๐๏ธ layerAction
Performs an action on another layer.
๐๏ธ log
Logs a message.
๐๏ธ mailTo
Sends an email and opens the device's email programm for this purpose.
๐๏ธ noAction
This action can be used to block the user interaction from being propagting to the layer underneath or to ignore touch.
๐๏ธ openAppSettings
Opens the system settings page of the app.
๐๏ธ openBrowser
Opens a URL in a custom tab or an external browser.
๐๏ธ openWebSocket
Opens a WebSocket.
๐๏ธ openWifiSettings
Opens the WiFi system settings.
๐๏ธ pauseAudio
Pauses the current audio playback (from playAudio action).
๐๏ธ playAudio
Plays an audio file.
๐๏ธ playNotificationSound
Plays the default notification sound.
๐๏ธ preLoad
Load data to be accessed without a data connection. The data can be general files like PDFs, web content or complete nodes of a configuration.
๐๏ธ rating
Ask user to rate the app.
๐๏ธ registerPush
Registers the app for push messages. A pop-up may appear before the registration (and thus the system message is displayed on iOS) takes place.
๐๏ธ reloadDatabaseTable
Reloads the source of the database table.
๐๏ธ removeDataSource
Removes data source from a database table.
๐๏ธ removeGeofences
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ removeLocalReminder
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ replaceGeofences
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ request
Performs HTTP request.
๐๏ธ requestPermission
Makes requests for various permissions. It's important to note that how permissions work can vary depending on the operating system and its version.
๐๏ธ resetForm
Resets the data of the current or specified form.
๐๏ธ restart
Restarts the app.
๐๏ธ resumeAudio
Continues audio playback.
๐๏ธ return
The return action breaks all following actions in the same action block.
๐๏ธ revokePush
The revoke push action deletes the pushenabled user setting and unregister the app from the google and apple push service.
๐๏ธ route
Displays a route in a navigation app. If an address exists, longitude and latitude will be ignored. If there is no address, both parameters: latitude and longitude are needed.
๐๏ธ saveImageLocally
Saves a captured image to the local storage of the app.
๐๏ธ sendFormMail
Presents the e-mail client in the corresponding platform with predefined subject, body, and recipients addresses. form data of the current view can be used to construct the email body.
๐๏ธ setCustomStart
Overwrites the start configuration for the app. The app will use the provided configuration during the next launch.
๐๏ธ setDataFromResult
Sets content to the given form from the form parameter or the current view's form.
๐๏ธ setDelimiters
Sets the delimiters for the current list of actions.
๐๏ธ setFormValue
Sets a form value. There are two different types of forms, such as named and unnamed. Named forms are stored in the memory and only persist until the application is fully closed, at which pooint they are removed. Unnamed forms are attached to the view where they are used and only persist until the view is destroyed, at which point they are removed.
๐๏ธ setLocalReminder
Sets a local reminder.
๐๏ธ setParams
Sets values to the event parameters.
๐๏ธ setTablePollingState
Changes the polling state of a table to retrieve data from the provided source.
๐๏ธ setTimeout
Executes actions at a later time.
๐๏ธ setValueToUserSetting
Sets a user setting. User settings are stored on the device's persistent storage and are not removed even after the application is fully closed.
๐๏ธ setVariable
Sets a global variable. Global variables are stored in the memory and only persist until the application is fully closed, at which point they are removed.
๐๏ธ share
Shares content like text, photos, files or links.
๐๏ธ showBarcodeScanner
Shows a barcode scanner using device's camera.
๐๏ธ showDebugView
Displays a debug menu.
๐๏ธ showLayout
Displays the specified content on the specified layout.
๐๏ธ showLoadingOverlay
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ showMessage
Displays a message.
๐๏ธ showView
Displays the specified content on the specified layout.
๐๏ธ startBeaconScanning
Starts scanning for beacons.
๐๏ธ startLocationTracking
Starts the location tracking of a device
๐๏ธ stopAudio
Stops any audio that the app may be playing.
๐๏ธ stopLocationTracking
Terminates the position determination with the specified keys.
๐๏ธ stopNFCReading
Stops listening to NFC tags.
๐๏ธ submitForm
Submits the content of a form via HTTP request.
๐๏ธ switch
A switch expression. If none of the defined cases match _default case is executed.
๐๏ธ switchState
Changes the state of a layer.
๐๏ธ switchTab
Field Configurations
๐๏ธ trackEvent
Tracks an event in Firebase Analytics or Matomo.
๐๏ธ validateForm
Validates the fields of the specified form according to its defined validationExpression.